Sunday, July 17, 2011

Treasure Island

Title: Treasure Island
Author: Robert Louis Stevenson
Publisher: Public Domain Books


I remember reading this way back in elementary school. But it had been so long since I read it that as it turned out it was one of those stories that you know, but don't really know.

Over the many years since reading the story, I had lost virtually all of the finer plot points as my memory gets filled with other day-to-day junk, and I have to make room by getting rid of the old junk.  Hence, my loss of everything up until about grade six.  I figure, by the time I reach 80, I'll only have about a 30 second recall of memory left in my head.

I quite enjoyed reading this book again, and while it is a book for the younger reader, I could totally appreciate the time and dedication that Stevenson put into the writing.  The dialogue, while not Shakespearean, seems to capture what life was like in Jim's world.  One thing that I found quite surprising, is the description that Stevenson writes for Long John Silver, does not match (at all) how many actors seem to portray the character.  The Long John of the book a very commanding character, and in many ways a chameleon; morphing in order to fit the situation he was in at any given time.  Many actors seem to take quite a comedic tone with the character, often oafish.  I like the literary character much better.

I give Treasure Island 4 out of 5 stars.

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