Tuesday, December 27, 2011


The more I think about this movie, the more I dislike it.

Don't get me wrong, the movie was very well acted, great directing, and what should have been an interesting story. But there is where the rubber hits the road. The story, which could have been quite enjoyable, went down in flames.

This was a sad movie. Not a depressing movie, a sad movie. The main characters were sad people who seemed to want to find some other sad people to share their life with, and make each other sad.

A quick plot synopsis is that Oliver (Ewan McGregor) is a very successful, good looking and well off artist who is very unhappy. Anna (Melanie Laurent) is a very successful, good looking and well off actress who is very unhappy. Oliver's dad, Hal (Christopher Plummer), is a senior who has recently come out of the closet after losing his wife, has some issues with his boyfriend's fidelity, and is diagnosed with inoperable esophageal cancer...Hal is absolutely over the moon with happiness! This whole movie was a big mix up!

I think what probably happened is that en route to production, the script fell out of its binder and all the pages got mixed up. Hence the people with reasons to be happy are now unhappy, and the people who should be unhappy are all smiles and giggles.

Seriously! The movie itself even mentions in its dialogue that Oliver and Anna obviously are too narcissistic in their unhappiness...or something to that effect.

Look, if you like a good story gone wrong, if you like the feeling of wanting to slap a character across the face to smarten them up, then please go and see this film. Otherwise, I'd recommend something a little happier...maybe the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

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