In a nutshell
Set in the small town of Mataura on the South Island of New Zealand, this is in some ways a conventional murder mystery. It opens with what seems to be a suicide, but the officer on the case (Sam Shephard) quickly determines that it was actually a murder. As Sam begins to investigate, her superior officers soon decide that given her previous romantic relationship with the murder victim's husband that she may actually be a suspect. Suspended from duty, Sam is left to her own devices to solve this case.
Did I like it?
I loved it! Although I identified it as fairly conventional, that did not take away from the experience of reading this book at all. I loved how Symon pulled in contemporary events to make the story topical. In addition, Symon is fabulous at creating a sense of place (her later stories set in Dunedin are equally fabulous). I felt like I was right there in small town New Zealand with the plucky heroine.
Will you like it?
If you're looking for a really page turner with a sympathetic main character and a rip roaring plot, this is the book for you. It's a book to take on vacation when you want something both readable and compelling, but that isn't too taxing. It's also a great read for individuals wanting to get a feel for rural New Zealand.
What else happened while I was reading this book?
Another beautiful weekend accompanied by a lovely treat from Wellington's Cafe Polo. 'nough said.