Title: 59 Seconds: Think a Little, Change a Lot
Author: Richard Wiseman
Publisher: Macmillan
ISBN-10: 023074429X
ISBN-13: 978-0230744295
I first heard about this book while listening to the Skeptic's Guide to the Universe podcast well over a year ago, but being such a horribly slow reader, I finally just got to it on my reading list recently.
59 Seconds is a self-help book for the Skeptical Mindset. While it doesn't actually state that if you do A-B-C, it will bring you long life, happiness and prosperity, it does provide a lot of advice that is actually built on science, rather than Oprah-ism.
Much of the information may already be known to those who would identify themselves as skeptics, but the book helps solidify many of the things you may have only a periphery knowledge of. That is where I find myself. I have heard bits of pieces of these studies over the years, but other than knowing the headline, I haven't learned anything of the who's, what's, where's, why's and hows...it just didn't feel right to put an apostrophy after how.
I found this a fairly quick read, even for me. Despite the fact that I got through the book quickly, I found it very enjoyable.
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