In a nutshell
This story begins with the disappearance of the patriarch of an Irish family now living (mostly) in London. The rest of the story explores the family dynamics that result from the disappearance, with wounds exposed and sometimes healed.
Did I like it?
Really enjoyable, particularly having just finished the dark and dreary Tale for the Time Being. O'Farrell is a very readable author and I find that I frequently race through her novels. There were also many likeable characters, with whom I could relate. So, all in all, no complaints.
Will you like it?
If you enjoy a readable book, but with some depth, this may be the book for you. Readers who enjoy Irish novels may be particularly delighted with this one.
What else happened while I was reading this book?
Summer came back (again). Discovered Wellington's best muffins in the heart of Seatoun (perfect post-run snack). Continued my allegiance to House of Cards.